Estampados para Ana

I made this piece for a good friend. I have been making stamps for many years that I have a lot and I don’t know where to put them. Every time I use them they end up storage in another place around the house and I forget what I have. These old stamps were made with round erasers many years ago. I used acrylics and color pencils for detail. This piece end up looking like a wall paper design.

Here some images



This is the final product.


Hope you are having a very creative day!


I wish I have been here often…

I hardly remember when I came here and post, (i Guess my blog will tell me if I look at my last post… taaah) Even though I want to create and share as much as I can, it seems that life just gets in the way. I enjoy creating, but when I do start a next project, something happen that I can not continue or finish. I think my creative block has been with me for a long time. I have been creating during my long absence here, but I still fell stuck somehow. I will share with you some of those works and the few things I did, also my new ones. This one is from a game I created inspired by another game I found in Pinterest, I just put my drawing ideas for the process, but the game was from someone I saw there.



I hope you have a wonderful day and I’ll do my best to come an share with you.


Have a very creative day!


intentos de abstracto

Hi everybody!

Hope you are having wonderful vacations, if you are the lucky ones.

This is one of my few tries on abstract. What do you think? Am I done?

¡Hola a todos!

Espero estén teniendo unas maravillosas vacaciones, si es que son uno de los afortunados.

Estos son unos de mis primeros intentos de abstracto. ¿Cómo lo ven? ¿Está terminado?


Keep creating and have an amazing almost weekend!


Linking to PPF

Hagámos una de flores

Lets make a watercolor paint.

MATERIALS: Watercolor paper, spray water bottle, watercolor paint, micron pen markers or your favorite, watercolor pencils, watercolor brush, Gelly roll pens and your imagination.

1.- Wet your watercolor paper

2.- Using your watercolor paint and brush, put ramdom colors (like dots) on your wet paper

3.- let it dry


4.- Start drawing what ever you want ( i did my kind of flowers)


5.- Once finish with your design, use markers (if you want) to make them pop.


6.- Start coloring your drawing with watercolor pencils

7.- Pass your brush and blend the colors


8.- Repeat the # 6 and 7 until you are pleased


9.- Add details with your Gelly roll pens



and that’s it.