Are you ok?

As the world continues in chaos, sometimes we feel overwhelmed with so many bad news in TV, social media or any other platform that shows us the things (bad or good) that are happening now. Covid -19 is the constant on them, but until the ones in charge of finding a cure or vaccine, we will continue living with uncertainty. The good thing, is that there are a lot of people around the globe doing amazing things. Great things that makes us believe in humanity. San Felipe, Baja California, as other cities in Mexico and all over the world are suffering for this pandemic. We have never known what the future will bring, but in this year it is even darker. Although there are wonderful people out there always doing good.

In San Felipe, some wonderful people have taken the initiative to do something to help. One such group is the “Medicatón San Felipe”. Ana Luisa Tafoya is the one who represents our beautiful port, having at her side amazing people also willing to support. I submitted several of my paintings (old ones and one new) for their cause so they will decide how they will raise funds with them. A 100% of the profits they make will be for the “MEDICATÓN SAN FELIPE”. Those who know me, already know that I am not a professional but I love to paint and experiment and what I do, I do it with great affection. Whoever wants and CAN support this noble cause is thanked from the heart. Let’s support! San Felipe need us.

p.s. Hope you are doing well. Keep yourself safe

Spanish now..

San Felipe al igual que muchos lugares en México y en el mundo están siendo afectados por la pandemia. Algunas personas maravillosas han tomado la iniciativa de hacer algo para ayudar. Uno de esos grupos es el “Medicatón San Felipe”. Ana Luisa Tafoya es quién representa a nuestro bello puerto, teniendo a su lado gente linda también dispuesta a apoyar.

Envíe varias de mis pinturas (unas viejitas y la más reciente) para que ella y su grupo decidan cómo usarlas para sacar fondos. El 100% de lo que reúnan será para el MEDICATÓN SAN FELIPE. Quienes me conocen, ya saben que no soy una artista profesional, pero me encanta pintar y experimentar y lo que hago, lo hago con mucho cariño. Quien quiera y PUEDA apoyar a ésta noble causa se le agradece de corazón. 



San Felipe nos necesita.

¡Manténganse sano!


Here the pictures

“San Felipe a lo lejos” Batik on paper (2011)
“Flores blancas” Acrylic 
“All Together” Batik on paper
“El papalote transparente” Acrylic
“San Felipe con amor” paper and gelly roll pens (August 2020)
“Flores” Batik on paper
“Flor” batik on paper
Ready to go… waiting for another little one. Not in the pictures


That’s all! Keep safe and  keep creating. I’ll do my best to publish more often.


Have an amazing and creative week!




Long time no see…

Hello, hello, Happy 2018 to all of you! I hope your holiday season was wonderful.

It has been a long time since I posted. Life just got to me and forgot to come and say HI. I have been doing so many creative things and I promise I will make more time to show you.

For now I want to leave you with something I played with yesterday. I want to add color, but this is what I have so far.




Have a very creative day!


Something to read…

From Photofocus:

Developing a Safety Net to Protect Your Computer Data — Photofocus – Feed

Although making a “backup” goes to the heart of protecting computer data, creating a thoughtfully conceived “safety net” developed after an analysis of risks, needs and budgetary restraints, will minimize your frustrations, stress and computer “down” time. Risks Start by listing possible computer failures and data loss scenarios that may affect all of your devices, including your desktop and……

via Developing a Safety Net to Protect Your Computer Data — Photofocus – Feed

Hola que tal!

Javier Trejo de Enero 11 me nominó para el “The Versatile Blogger Award”, lo cual agradezco infinitamente. Es un honor el que me considere.

Vale mencionar que me cuesta trabajo pagar estas nominaciones, pues aparte de ser muy mala para escribir y algo aburrida, a las personas que he nominado en el pasado…, como que … a algunas no les ha gustado y eso me detiene. Pero lo que haré es agradecer a Javier y agregar un link de los que a mi me gustan para que si les interesa, pasen a visitarles. Ustedes me disculparan si no cumplo totalmente con las reglas, ya que no hay mucho que contar de mi.


Por lo pronto muchas gracias de nuevo a Javier y estaré mencionando a mis nominados en tres publicaciones.

Estos son los primeros de mi lista:

¡Qué tengan un excelente día!