El novio de la calaca llegó…

My new lino. La calaca has a boyfriend. She was waiting for a gentleman…


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La calaca se encontraba sola, muy triste, muy sola. Su dueña decidió hacer algo por ella y le creo  una pareja. Mientras su dueña creaba, la calaca alucinaba… y soñaba …y suspiraba. Imaginaba a su galán, guapo como superman. Cortez, audaz y valiente y lo quería toda la gente. Caballero como aquellos de los años ya “viejeros”

pero, …oh sorpresa que se dio, un PIRATA resultó.


Have an amazing and very creative day!


Linking to PPF (very late)


Cards and flowers for the school staff.

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During school season we have the “Teacher and staff appreciation week”, I imagine all schools do that too, and during that week we have themes so we could decide on what to give to them. A flower, coffee, card, something hand made etc. These cards were from last year. My kids and I made them with brown cards stock and an old spanish workbook that a friend gave me to use for collage. I have used it a LOT. I used also, water color pencils, paint markers, gelly rolls, sharpies, a coffee filter and a piece of cardboard for a little painting for the school nurse. They were simple, and we made them smile. The school nurse has it hanging on her little space at school and I enjoy seeing it every time I go by.

I hope you keep stoping by so I can show you old and new works that I have not published yet.

Have an awesome day!


Something to read…

From Photofocus:

Developing a Safety Net to Protect Your Computer Data — Photofocus – Feed

Although making a “backup” goes to the heart of protecting computer data, creating a thoughtfully conceived “safety net” developed after an analysis of risks, needs and budgetary restraints, will minimize your frustrations, stress and computer “down” time. Risks Start by listing possible computer failures and data loss scenarios that may affect all of your devices, including your desktop and……

via Developing a Safety Net to Protect Your Computer Data — Photofocus – Feed

pieces of scrap wood

I have been enjoying creating pieces on scrap wood. They are rough and I think that’s why I like them. I don’t sand them, just add gesso and color over them. Here is the final result of a painting I did on October last year. I sold it, but I never published pictures of the end result.


It was painted with gold gesso, using acrylic paint and markers and varnished at the end.

Next one, is a gift I gave to my son’s other teacher. His English teacher. She is a sweetheart and excellent teacher. The tittle is “The garden of knowledge of Miss Yanga”in English. In spanish says “El jardín de conocimientos de Miss Yanga”

Here are the pictures:



A few details and was almost ready.

Hope to see you here again, I have a lot of things I want to show you that I have done, but have not publish.

Have a wonderful and very creative day!



Adding black gesso…

Just arriving from a long trip. We visited family. My old town it is HOT !! It’s amazing how easy we get used to a better weather. I remember growing up with out air conditioner and doing everything, playing outside, having fun and at night just getting our clothes wet to try to sleep, or sleeping outside in the hottest days and we survived. Now, I just want to stay inside the cold air. The more comfort we have with all these new inventions, the least we want to try the old way and we can’t even imagine living with out them. We are spoiled 😉

In other note, I have a lot of brown and thick card stock paper and I have been adding black gesso and painting on them with paint markers, acrylic markers and Gelly rolls pens. I like what have come out of them. Here a few images.

The first is an attempt I did (before I started my calligraphy class) to make my family do the dishes after themselves. It worked just two days. Mmmh…


It says: “Please clean after yourself. Help keep this kitchen clean. Love Mom. HAPPY mom, HAPPY family”. It was more for my husband 😉 Even though, I always try to make my kids do their dishes it’s always a constant battle. Now they are 10 and 8 and they can perfectly help. I just give them the plastic dishes. Anyway, I’ll keep trying.

The next one, I gave it to my sister in law during Christmas. I did not wanted to give her just a gift certificate, that’s why I added my flowers. But I don’t know if she liked it. She has other style.

Before adding the frame.
Almost ready to go.

and so far this is all for today. I have been working a lot, but I have not posted in a long time on my blog. So please keep coming because I have a lot to show you.

Have a lovely and creative day!


Trying new things in printing

I have been printing with my kids so many times, I have even invited friends with their moms over to create and do a lot of printing. The kids love it and it’s a perfect way to keep them busy. Also, I have printed on wood. I had to make a stamp for a weeding (the design isn’t mine) it’s something I don’t do much, because I really don’t like work on commission; but I did it anyway. I liked the end result. I had to make the letters too. That was more challenging. The new thing was to print on wood, I have never done that. I love it!!


The last group waiting to be wrap and getting ready to be delivered.

The other one I’m going to show you, is a stamp with birds. My interpretation of birds of course. It’s a circular design and I really like it. I printed on my kids shirts. I used ink good for paper and fabric, and let me tell you…They are great!!. I have been washing the clothes I printed on, and the ink is perfect. The best thing about them. YOU DON’T HAVE TO IRON THE INK to be permanent.


I have washed this shirt to much and the colors still perfect.

and so far that’s all for today. I have a lot of finish work and in progress that I want to show you, so I hope to see you next time.

Have a wonderful and very creative day!





Saying goodbye

One of the teachers at my kids school is leaving to continue with her studies. It was a very hard decision she had to make. She is an awesome teacher, very dedicated and truly, truly loves what she does. Most of the time at the end of the school year, I  give a little something to the teachers who were working with my kids, this time I was working with her in school projects and I have already thought about giving her something, but after she told me she was leaving and how hard it was for her to make that decision, I opted to give her a little watercolor inspirational quote that came in Spanish and I though It was perfect for the occasion. (probably you don’t know but my kids go to a bilingual school, that’s why the presents for the teachers are all in Spanish). Anyway,  I found a quote, I think trough Pinterest, and I thought it’s was perfect for her. It says:

“Miss Lupita

Las cosas buenas pasan a quienes las esperan pero las mejores cosas pasan a quienes van por ellas”

I’ll try to translate: Miss Lupita: GOOD things happen to those that wait for them, but the BEST things happen to those that go after them.      —Something like that.

I started it on Thursday night and I framed it next day in the morning before 7:30 am bit before taking my kids to their last day of school. It wasn’t exactly finished the way I like, but it was decent.

When I decided to stop because the time was running…
I had to cut all around to make it fit in the frame. (Sorry for the bad picture)
In the frame and ready to go.

…and that’s it.

Have an amazing and very creative day!


Rueda de opciones

In my child class, as many other classes, there is always the moment when one kid gets frustrated and the teacher has to deal with the situation. My child and several other kids could be a bit on that side. His teacher asked me if I could do a spinning wheel for the classroom on a cardboard where the kids would have options that would help them calm down. He gave me several ideas to put in the spinning wheel and I added two, because I put extra space on it (my bad). Later on, I thought it will be better to make him something more durable so I decided to give the teacher something he could be able to use as long as he teaches. I had at home a lazy susan that for many years had been collecting dust, and that is what I used. My son was so proud to give it to him.

Here are the pictures:

The beginning. (My mistake, not sanding it)
I used acrylics, paint markers, sharpie, paper, matte medium.
adding the images.
More adding…
Not liking some letters and drawings…
Happy with this change…
Almost there…
Done and ready for varnish.
Varnished and ready to dry.
My boy happy and ready to deliver.

and this is it. For those like me that have kids out of school, have a great summer vacation. … at least we are not running like crazy in the mornings 😉

Hope you have a very creative day and a great summer vacation!










En silencio he estado por muchos meses y ausente de mis alrededores, y mis pasiones. El silencio se a apoderado de mi blog. La inspiración me ha abandonado y el miedo me a ganado. Pero, ayer dí un paso para romper ese miedo. Hoy romperé el silencio.

"Silencio" by Nora Clemens-Gallo
“Silencio” Watercolor (2012) i think…

¡Qué tengan un bello y creativo día!
